Celebrities and Brain Disorders
Preventing Cognitive Decline
An article discussing celebrities and brain disorders in Vanity Fair has revealed that Chris Hemsworth has two copies of the gene ApoE4. This makes him between eight and ten times more likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease than those without both copies of the gene.
He has not been formally diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. Although he is now aware of his heightened risk of facing the disease, rsfMRI-guided TMS therapy may offer a personalized approach to managing cognitive decline and addressing early symptoms.
fMRI-guided TMS
Mr. Hemsworth’s treatments using “sleep management, stress management, nutrition, movement, and fitness” may offer some benefits. However, much more can be done to reduce declines for those at risk. fMRI-guided TMS is used to reconstruct brain networks and guide magnetic pulses to specific brain regions. This treatment method provides a highly personalized treatment strategy for addressing various mental health conditions.
fMRI Early Detection in At-Risk Patients

At-Risk Patient Before
At-Risk Patient After
Manhattan TMS Therapy
For more information, please contact us for a consultation in our Manhattan, NY location.