The Importance of Early Detection in Brain Disorders

MRI Results

The Importance of Early Detection in Brain Disorders

Early detection is vital to managing brain disorders effectively. When neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis (MS), and stroke are detected early, patients have a much higher chance of slowing the progression of the disease and improving their quality of life. At Neurotherapeutix, we utilize advanced functional MRI (fMRI) technology to detect brain disorders,, including various mental health conditions, even before physical symptoms or structural changes manifest.

By identifying biomarkers at early stages, we can develop personalized treatment strategies that enhance outcomes and provide hope for long-term management.

Contact us or continue reading below to learn more about our advanced treatment.

Benefits of Early Detection in Brain Diseases

When diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s are diagnosed early, patients and healthcare providers have more time to implement preventive strategies and slow the disease’s progression. Research has shown that early detection, especially with fMRI, can help avoid severe cognitive decline, allowing for interventions such as medication or therapeutic treatments, like repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS), that improve brain function and overall well-being​.

Early detection of brain diseases also opens the door for participation in clinical trials, which are often only available in the early stages of conditions like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. With our resting-state fMRI services, we can identify these conditions early, improving opportunities for clinical trial participation.

Using fMRI for Early Detection of Brain Disorders

fMRI plays a crucial role in early brain disorder diagnosis. By measuring brain activity and detecting changes in blood flow, fMRI provides insights into the earliest signs of neurological disorders. For example, fMRI scans can detect disruptions in the neural networks of patients with Alzheimer’s disease well before memory loss or behavioral symptoms emerge.​

Additionally, fMRI is increasingly used to identify early markers of Parkinson’s disease, which could lead to more timely interventions. In both Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, changes in brain regions associated with cognition and motor control can be mapped before significant structural deterioration occurs.

Brain Diseases Detectable Early with fMRI

Some of the brain diseases that benefit most from early detection through fMRI include:

  • Alzheimer’s Disease: A progressive neurodegenerative disorder that impacts memory and cognitive functions. fMRI can detect early disruptions in brain networks related to memory and learning.
  • Parkinson’s Disease: A degenerative disorder affecting movement and motor control. Early detection focuses on brain motor circuits, helping mitigate symptoms like tremors and muscle rigidity.
  • Multiple Sclerosis (MS): An autoimmune disease that damages brain and spinal cord nerve cells. fMRI can track inflammation and neural damage, providing critical insights into disease activity.
  • Stroke: A sudden disruption of blood flow to the brain, leading to potential brain damage. Identifying areas at risk before a full stroke occurs can be life-saving, allowing for early intervention to prevent or mitigate damage.

Understanding fMRI-guided TMS for Early Intervention

After early detection, fMRI is used to guide TMS treatment of malfunctioning regions. A tailored TMS targeting approach based on a network-based method is used to extract individual optimal targets. The localization of these targets based on an fMRI-guided TMS approach is a powerful technique that accounts for inter-individual functional variability while achieving high precision for targeting core networks of neurological diseases.

Take Control of Your Brain Health with Early Detection in NYC

Early detection is the best way to preserve cognitive function and maintain quality of life.

At Neurotherapeutix, we proudly offer leading-edge diagnostic services. We combine the power of fMRI with expert neurological care to give patients a head start in fighting brain disorders.

Contact us today to schedule an fMRI consultation and control your brain health proactively.


Yin W, Li L, Wu FX. Deep learning for brain disorder diagnosis based on fMRI images. Neurocomputing. 2022 Jan;469:332-345.

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Celebrities and Brain Disorders – Actor Chris Hemsworth

Woman holding brainscan to cover face

Celebrities and Brain Disorders – Actor Chris Hemsworth

Celebrities and Brain Disorders

Preventing Cognitive Decline

An article discussing celebrities and brain disorders in Vanity Fair has revealed that Chris Hemsworth has two copies of the gene ApoE4. This makes him between eight and ten times more likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease than those without both copies of the gene.

He has not been formally diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. Although he is now aware of his heightened risk of facing the disease, rsfMRI-guided TMS therapy may offer a personalized approach to managing cognitive decline and addressing early symptoms.

fMRI-guided TMS

Mr. Hemsworth’s treatments using “sleep management, stress management, nutrition, movement, and fitness” may offer some benefits. However, much more can be done to reduce declines for those at risk. fMRI-guided TMS is used to reconstruct brain networks and guide magnetic pulses to specific brain regions. This treatment method provides a highly personalized treatment strategy for addressing various mental health conditions.

fMRI Early Detection in At-Risk Patients

At-Risk Patient Before

At-Risk Patient After

Manhattan TMS Therapy

For more information, please contact us for a consultation in our Manhattan, NY location.

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How is an fMRI different than a typical MRI?

Doctor examining brain scans

How is an fMRI different than a typical MRI?

It’s important that you get the right fit for your healthcare needs and preferences. When you’re living in the fog of depression or any other mental disorder, finding care can be overwhelming. There are doctors, clinics, offices, and centers all over the country that offer TMS Therapy.  Why choose us?

We understand your struggles. Our compassionate team is here to help you on your journey to wellness.

MRI for Medical Use

An important part of our specialized treatment program is using fMRI imaging to guide TMS Therapy. So, let’s talk about functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a method of forming pictures of the organs in your body using magnetic fields and radio waves. These waves are then displayed using a computer.

Additionally, in the medical field, professionals also rely on CT scans and x-rays which use ionizing radiation. This method can be damaging. MRI technology uses magnetic fields and radio waves, which is especially useful for visualizing soft tissue like blood vessels, the brain, the spinal cord, discs, etc., and is effective in diagnosing various mental health conditions.

fMRI for Personalized Care

Now, whereas MRI specializes in displaying structures, fMRI specializes in showing function, and the way the fMRI does it is by identifying brain electrical and blood flow. This is an important measurement when it comes to brain disorders. This method measures minor changes in blood flow that occur with brain activity, at a remarkably high spatial resolution (mm resolution).

An fMRI may also be used to examine the brain’s functional anatomy. This can help evaluate the effects of a stroke or other diseases and guide brain treatment. An fMRI will detect abnormalities within the brain that cannot be found with other imaging techniques.

The use of fMRI in our practice helps provide advanced care, a step above the rest! It’s an innovative, noninvasive tool that allows us to learn more about each patient’s brain health and inform rsfMRI-guided TMS therapy options.

Brain disorders aren’t a one-size-fits-all treatment.

Let us help you get started on your journey to wellness today!

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Brain Connections from Birth and Beyond

Neurons firing over brain connections

Brain Connections from Birth and Beyond

Brain Connections from Birth and Beyond

The human brain is one of the most complex parts of the human body. It controls our ability to walk, talk, feel, see, hear, remember things, and much, much more! Even though the ability to talk might seem like a pretty basic skill set to an adult, the science behind how we actually learned to walk… to talk… to remember, is fascinating! Let’s talk about it.

Millions of Neural Connections That Keep Growing (and growing!)

Did you know that from birth to age three, babies gain more than a million neural connections every second? Every new experience creates connections between neurons. Scientifically speaking, these connections are known as synapses, and they’re very important to brain growth and development.

These connections enable basic brain functions like walking and talking, but they don’t happen overnight. Therefore, there’s a reason many babies start walking somewhere around age one, and not right at birth. The brain connections (synapses) take time to occur, but gaining more than a million neural connections every second is still pretty impressive!

  • At birth, the baby has 50 trillion connections or synapses
  • In the first three months of life, the synapses multiply more than 20 times
  • At one year, the brain has 1,000 trillion synapses

The bottom line is, stronger connections early in life lead to more functional brains.

Impaired Connections Play a Role in Brain Disorders

Now, let’s take a look at what happens after the first three years of life. Let’s talk about what happens when some of those essential neural connections are damaged or broken. With our resting-state fMRI services, we can better understand these neural disruptions and develop more precise treatments for brain recovery.

Think of brain development as a wiring process. Imagine a circuit board where connections between neurons are made and fine-tuned. The connections we use regularly, usually become stronger and more complex, but neglected connections are eliminated over time, which causes problems.

In fact, many (if not all) psychiatric disorders are a result of improper connectivity of some very important brain networks.

Individual Brain Networks for Good Brain Health

Let’s dive a little deeper and explore the complexity between neural connections.

To start, think of your brain as a small country with 4 states (Cerebrum, Cerebellum, Brainstem, and the Diencephalon). Imagine now that each of these brain regions has “highways” that help connect to the other highways in their region, and other brain regions. Similar to how within New York State we have highways connecting cities, and we have highways connecting to other states. These brain highways are called network connections, and healthy connections are essential for good brain health.

But, as we know, illnesses of the brain do NOT follow a one-size-fits all treatment approach. You are as unique as your neural connections. Our advanced fMRI-guided TMS therapy, helps us treat complex brain illnesses with an advanced precise approach using TMS.

At Neurotherapeutix, we’ll look beyond incomplete (abnormal) connections. Our research points to many ways a network can fail, and it doesn’t always mean the connection is “broken”; it is just not optimal.

  • We go beyond the standard protocol.
  • We look for connections with weak connectivity within the network…
  • Weak connectivity from one network to another…
  • Excessive connectivity within the network, or from one network to another.
  • All of these network connectivity issues are markers for most brain disorders.

You’re in good hands at Neurotherapeutix! Our treatment course is guided by a personalized plan that uses functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to compute brain networks, which when used in combination with our Localite neuro-navigation system, it guarantees the highest accuracy and delivers TMS treatments to the identified troubled brain networks.This approach is particularly effective in treating various mental health conditions, ensuring a targeted and personalized therapeutic experience.

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Who Does Our TMS Treatment Help?

MRI scan of brain region

Who Does Our TMS Treatment Help?

We believe it’s important for the community to understand both how we help and who we can help.

At Neurotherapeutix, our goal is to give patients access to the highest level of mental health care available today, by offering an innovative and scientifically proven TMS treatment plan for restoration and wellness. 

TMS Treatment for Depression

1. We have success in treating patients who’ve been failed by therapy, medication, and other first-line treatments.

The symptoms of depression can be crippling for those who suffer from this illness.

Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is a debilitating illness associated with frequent relapses, persistent symptoms, and incomplete recovery.

MDD can interfere with daily activities, causing persistent feelings of sadness, loss of interest, and hope. It negatively impacts relationships, disrupts school and career goals, and robs people of the peace and happiness they hope for in life. In the worst cases, some people feel as if life isn’t worth living anymore.

The darkness of depression is something that affects an estimated 1 in 6 Americans. Luckily, many will find relief in medications and/or therapy, but what about the 30% of patients who still can’t find relief from their depression symptoms?

At Neurotherapeutix, we use neuroimaging in combination with TMS Therapy. TMS uses a magnetic field to stimulate brain areas that control mood, and which may be under-active or over-active in the depressed individual. By integrating rsfMRI-guided TMS therapy, we can further personalize the treatment to target specific brain regions, enhancing its effectiveness.

2. We have success in treating patients who didn’t get well with Standard TMS.

Standard TMS therapy does bring relief for many.

It’s an FDA-cleared treatment for Major Depression, but sometimes, standard TMS doesn’t help. It’s easy to feel discouraged if you have undergone TMS without significant success. But now, there’s hope!

Our fMRI-guided TMS Therapy helps us address specific areas of your brain that need to be stimulated. Neuroimaging technology helps us identify brain networks not working as they should. We then create a TMS treatment plan that targets a specific spot (or spots) that require treatment.

Other Mental Health Conditions

It’s also important to remember that we’ve had great success in treating many other off-label conditions with TMS Therapy, including a range of mental health conditions.

Such as:

Call our office to discuss our experience with depression and the results we’ve seen with any brain disorder where current treatments are not working well enough.

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What is fMRI-TMS?

Neurons and Nervous System

What is fMRI-TMS?

Using Imaging Technology to Show Blood Flow in the Brain

What is fMRI-TMS?

The beauty of our special treatment system is found in fMRI-TMS technology. Though it might sound like a jumbled alphabet soup, it’s some of the most exciting news that has come along in decades! Here’s an overview of how it works…

  • First, let’s talk about functional magnetic resonance imaging. You may know that Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a method of forming pictures of the organs in your body using magnetic fields, their gradients, and radio waves. CT scans and x-rays use the ionizing radiation of x-rays, which can be damaging; but MRI uses magnetic fields and radio waves. It’s especially useful for visualizing soft tissue like blood vessels, brain tissue, and muscles.

Now, whereas MRI specializes in displaying structures, fMRI specializes in showing function. And the way the fMRI does it is by showing blood flow. For example, when a football player runs across the field in hopes of scoring a touchdown, he’s really working his leg muscles, right? The blood flow to his leg ramps up to feed and empower the muscles to do the job they need to do.

In other words, when something is functioning, the blood flow to the area increases. Therefore, by identifying areas of increased blood flow, the fMRI highlights the locations of these functioning areas. This approach is crucial in precisely targeting treatments, such as rsfMRI-guided TMS therapy, to improve brain function and address underlying issues effectively.

The more the brain functions the greater the blood flow

Now, let’s take it a step further. Some of those functioning areas are functioning well, but some are functioning badly. Like a strained or broken ligament. Sometimes it’s important to find areas that are functioning in the wrong way so we can change and improve them. In a word, FIX them. That’s exactly what we are doing at Neurotherapeutix, especially when it comes to treating various mental health conditions.

We’re addressing, not guessing. We’re able to identify specific areas in your brain that need to be restored. From that, we’ll create a customized treatment plan for YOU! Our TMS treatment course is precisely guided by a personalized plan. Our team uses computerized imaging and Neuro-navigation for greater success rates with longer-lasting results.

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